Extensions are in many cases the solution for alopecia, low hair density or just enjoying a long and heavy hair. Many times, the use of dye, hairdryer and other products force to cut the damaged hair.
Extensions let you play with your hair creating different looks.
There are three different techniques to put the extensions in and which one you should use depend on the person’s comfort, type of hair, and the results expected.
Keratin technique:
It’s the method to enlarge or give volume to the hair, joining locks of hair with a resin called acrylic keratin. With them, you can enlarge your hair or give it volume, hide damaged hair, and cover some alopecia.
It’s a laborious process, that only professionals use, lock by lock are put with a extension machine and making the unions with the hair by hand to prevent damage due to heat excess.
Duration is determined by hair growth and its effective time is about 3 or 4 months. After that time, the best thing to do is to remove the extensions to avoid entanglement of your hair. Then, they can be put again even with the same hair which lasts more than a year in good conditions.

Micro-ring Technique:
It’s a placement technique that enlarges and gives volume by joining locks of hair to your hair by a micro or metallic ring and it does not need heat, keeping it from the damage it may cause. Lock by lock are put with a compression system.
Length is determined by your hair growth and it is advisable to put them in again after four months.
Curtain method:
Specially elaborated and put at your size! A complete craft, with an excellent quality of hair. With this system the hair can be enlarged in a very efficient way. Curtains can be sewed with a silk sting to a plait in your scalp achieving a great durability. They can also be stick to the hair through curtains with micro clips.
It’s a revolutionary method to enlarge or give volume to your hair and it can be dye.
Remember, the extensions can be in straight hair, with movement, ringlets or rollers… and in any color you wish.

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