I know most of us are egar for our hair to grow longer and thicker at a fast paste, so we use all sorts of growth aids to help speed up the process only to realize it is still not growing fast enough. Here are ten tips on how to get your hair to grow long and thick.
1. Leave your hair alone yall! to much manipulation on the hair causes stress, and stress on the hair causes it to break and fall out, leaving you with damaged hair. Which leads me to number two
2. Keep your hair in protective styles. Leave your hair in a protective style like twist, braids, corn rows, etc, for at leat three to four weeks at a time. This will give the hair a break from all the stlying, giving it time to grow.
3. Trim or dust your ends every six to eight weeks. Trimming your ends more frequently will save you from having to do big chops in the future. Don't sacrafice length for damaged hair. It will grow back healthier and stronger.
4. Only detangle when you are conditioning your hair, or when hair is damp with water. Detangling on dry hair only causes breakage and we don't want that. Which leads me to number five
5. Stay away from the comb. Instead of a comb, use your fingers if possible to style your hair. A comb should only be used for detangling the hair.
6. Deep condition your hair once a week. This will help it to stay strong and moisturized. Also it trains the hair to love moisture.
7. Keep your scalp conditioned. We tend to do so much for our hair and neglect our scalp. You should always oil your scalp with a natural hair cream or oil like coconut oil or olive oil to keep it moist. This will prevent flaking and dry scalp conditions. I recommend doing this twice a week.
8. Try to wash and condition hair in sections. If hair is long enough plait your hair into loose big braids and wash your hair. This will cause less tangles and shrinkage. If hair is not long enough to do this use claw clips to hold your hair is sections and wash one section at a time. Believe me you will have less work to do when you are finished shampooing.
9. Always tie your hair down with satan or silk scarf before bed. This will help lock in the moisture. For even more moisture retainment try sleeping in a plastic shower cap with a scarf wrapped around it. This will keep your hair from loosing any moisture at all. please note hair will be damp not soaking in the morning.
10. Get all of your vitamins. Eat a healthy balanced meal everyday, take multivitamins and biotin. Excercise to get blood flowing through out the body and to the scalp.
If you follow these tips, I am sure your hair will thrive and thank you for it. Happy hair growing every one.